But blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit. -Jeremiah 17:7,8

Saturday, November 19, 2011

Unity Presbyterian Church presentation

On November 13, 2011, Elise and I gave a Wycliffe update to the congregation at Unity Presbyterian Church, Woodleaf, NC. Unity was established in 1788. In this picture, Elise and I are beside the old "uppin block." This stone was used at the church to assist people (primarily women) in getting up on their horse gracefully!

Presentation at Frank Church

On November 6, 2011, Elise and I were privileged to give a presentation to the Sunday School class at Frank Presbyterian Church in Newland, NC. Since I had not brought the correct cable to connect to the projector, we needed to be flexible and "talk" through the presentation on the laptop. God was gracious!

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Kingdom Kids help fund Bible translation

Kingdom Kids from Redeemer Presbyterian Church bring in their Sunday School offering to help fund Bible translation. The latest project that they have chosen to participate in is to provide Bible storybooks for the Huaylas Quechua children in Peru. They have saved their nickels, dimes and pennies to give the Quechua children Bible storybooks to read. $25 will fund 10 storybooks.

Kingdom Kids support Bible translation

Kingdom Kids from Redeemer Presbyterian Church learn how they can help support Bible translation by donating old cell phones to Wycliffe Bible Translators. For every used cell phone that is turned in, Wycliffe receives funds which are then used to help Bible translation.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Wycliffe's Spring 2011 Scripture Celebration

During our Spring 2011 Scripture Celebration at Wycliffe USA, we celebrated the completion of over 20 recently completed New Testaments and Bibles. We are thrilled to see these Scriptures finally arrive in the hands of the communities they serve, and we pray that God will speak to these people through His Word.

Wycliffe also hosted the Americas Area Celebration, “Spreading the Flame,” in which representatives from North and South America celebrated the fact that only 50 languages remain to be translated in the Americas. In this photo, Elise is interviewing Chief Kenny Blacksmith, of the Cree Nation in Mistissini Lake, Quebec, Canada. Kenny and his wife Louise helped with the translation of the Cree New Testament.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

College and Career Class Presentation

On Sunday, March 20, 2011 we were invited to the College and Career Class at First Baptist Church, Mims, Florida.  We had an awesome time telling about the need for Bible translation; Joe demonstrated some of the intracacies of translating, we introduced them to the whistle-talk language, and even sang the neatest song in Swahili, "Hakuna Mungu Kama Wewe" - they were very gracious (and kind) to us and sang and danced right along with us.   

This young man and Elise were talking about his future plans; and where God might be leading him.  

Monday, March 14, 2011

Missions Conference at Calvary Chapel Merritt Island

We were given the opportunity to represent Wycliffe Bible Translators at the Calvary Chapel Missions Conference in Merritt Island, FL on Mar 12 and 13.

What an amazing 2 days.  We started Friday night, setting up our table, looking to see what might God have for us to show those coming to the conference the next day. Met some amazing people!!! Got to know some of the others of God's kingdom - all working together for His good.

The conference began at 8:30 in the morning Saturday and ran til almost 8 PM. My word, so many opportunities. Young people came from as far as Miami. We had the opportunity to talk to future linguists, and I.T. professionals, as well as those who knew not what they should do; but knew they wanted a part in "something bigger"... Bible Translation.

Hopefully, our passion touched the hearts of these young people - encouraging them that God can use all of us, in the way He has gifted and talented us, to serve Him.

Additionally, we heard some inspiring teachings.... and left this conference so thankful that God has chosen to keep us right here, at this time, for this time, to do what He has asked us to do..... and part of that, the biggest part, is to get to know the Character of God, in a more intimate, deep way.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Mobiles 4 Missions

Here’s a great chance for you to help Bible translation, by donating your car, boat, motorcycle or RV to help communities overseas. Your STUFF can help make a difference in their lives. All proceeds from the sale of your donation will go toward Wycliffe projects around the world. Details at www.wycliffe.org/wheels

Cell Phones for Bible translation!

In November 2010, at our home church, Redeemer Presbyterian Church, Titusville, Florida, we collected many “old” cell phones to help Bible translation. Through a partnership with Integrity Communications, Wycliffe Bible Translators receives charitable dollars for every cell phone donated, regardless of age or condition. The funds from these phones make a difference in the time it takes to complete a translation, get a missionary to the field, or train a national translator.

Yaru Islands Translation Project

The children in our Sunday School class (Kingdom Kids) at Redeemer Presbyterian Church saved their offerings for many months, and in October 2010, they presented a check for $110 to help with the Yaru Islands translation project. It is exciting for us to watch their enthusiasm for Bible translation grow.

Wycliffe's 2010 Fall Scripture Celebration

On September 22, 2010, Elise and I participated in Wycliffe’s 2010 Scripture Celebration, where we celebrated 25 translations that had been completed during the past year. Elise carried the Lote New Testament from Papua New Guinea and Joe carried the MalĂȘ New Testament, also from PNG. What an awesome privilege to have a small part in advancing God’s kingdom around the world, and to know that for the very first time, these language communities now have the Word of God in their own language.


Our son John works part-time as a Wycliffe volunteer at shooting and editing videos, while finishing his last year of home schooling. In February 2008, he completed editing the CHED video, which was used to recruit new teachers for Wycliffe in overseas assignments.
In March 2008, he filmed the Wycliffe 2008 Spring Scripture Celebration, and in April 2008, he filmed the Wycliffe School for Global Engagement and then a Wycliffe Foundation board meeting.